Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Taking Criticism

 Criticism is another aspect of developing an antagonist
Criticism is often a scary thing, especially for writers. Our stories and characters are precious to us, they are like a part of who we are, and when someone decides to tell us weak points in our writing, it can sometimes feel like a direct insult. However, criticism is something to be considered. I have talked a lot about developing an antagonist, and this is another aspect of character development to think about.

Why to listen to criticism
Would you buy an item that has been harshly criticized by many people and said to not work properly? I know I wouldn't, because usually if an item gets a consistently bad review, it means there is something that could be improved about that item. The same goes with writing. Tell your friends or other writers about your ideas and characters. Listen to what they have to say. Their advice could help you vastly improve your antagonist, character, or story.

How you should take criticism
If you are like me, you like to tell others about your characters and story. Watch how others react to your ideas. Listen to what they think about your characters. After someone critiques your characters or story, Hyde, an award winning author, offers some good advice on what to do. In her article, What You Can Learn from Criticism, she says to ask yourself "Do you agree with what the person said?" And once you can honestly answer that, then you can either make a positive change to your idea/character/story or you can toss the advice.

When to consider accepting criticism
Hyde also said that there will always be someone who dislikes your writing. She said to consider this: If 1 out of 10 people don't like your writing, then its probably that person's problem. If 9 out of 10 people dislike your writing, then you may need to consider improvement. This can apply to characters as well and your antagonist.

Hyde, Ryan, C. (2001, November 01). What you can learn from criticism. Writer (11), 22. Retrieved from

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